Jarot Jadi Pembicara di Belanda

Sintang (radar-kalbar.com)-Bupati Sintang dr H Jarot Winarno, M Med PH menghadiri undangan sekaligus menjadi salah satu pembicara dalam acara Launch of the Accountability Framework and GFW Pro di muntgebouw Utrecht Leidseweg 90, 3531 BG, Utrecht, Netherlands, tepat Pukul 05.00 s.d 08.00 Pm waktu Belanda, Rabu (12/6/2019).

Turut diundang dalam acara tersebut antara lain :

Setting the stage for AFi and GFWPro
Emcees (John Ehrmann, Meridian Institute & Anne Rosenbarger, WRI)
AFi introductory remarks
Jeff Milder, Director of Global Programs, Rainforest Alliance
GFW Pro animated video

Arild Skedsmo, Senior Advisor, Forest and Climate

2: Producing region government
Jarot Winarno, Bupati (Regent) of Sintang, West Kalimantan, Indonesia

Speaker 3: Sime Darby
Simon Lord, Chief Sustainability Officer

4: Cargill
Taco Terheijden, Group Sustainability Director for Cargill Cocoa & Chocolate.
Video Testimonial
S. America finance sector – Banco Continental, BBVA, Sudameris Bank

5: Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Heather Wright, Program Officer, Conservation and Markets

sumber : humas stg